I just couldn't not to share :) I moaned about guinea pigs for a long time now. To be honest, I was quite fussy about "the right one" (colour-wise) so it took me a while and finally I found it!
So here She is, Mela.....
To keep her company, as it is adviced that guinea pigs should at least be keept in pairs, Liliana choose for herself another one - Mimi.
The look of Matylda's face is just priceless! Aren't they adorable ( all three of them? :))
As I love brooches, I just couldn't not to share this! I found it on Ronna's Sarvas Weltman facebook page. Enjoy!
After watching it I think I need to buy a few more or DO some urgently! The Autumn is so great season to wear them and brooches are soooo feminine!
One of my favourite jewelery artists are Ford&Forlando. Their designs, color and texture combinations are just wonderful. I like their brooches a lot.
If you look for some more inspiration, check my pinterest board here . I have a few great artists gathered in one place. But mind the Pinterest, it is very addictive once you are there, and don't say I didn't warn you!